Makeup Revoultion Palette - Blush in Golden Sugar
So I was a late bloomer on the make-up front. I didn't really wear much make-up through out my teenage years, other then the required roll on glitter at the school discos. My first look was too much eyeliner and some pale foundation (emo look anyone?), whether it was day or night, that was my look. I slowly dabbled in my make-up more and more and my collection took a turn when I discovered Youtube and learned how to apply eyeshadow without giving myself the appearance of a black eye, how to apply product to my cheeks in order to fake some sort of facial definition and most importantly how to fill in my almost inviable alien brows!
Anyways, back story covered, modern day I have a massive make-up obsession. I have tried products from many difference brands, both high end and high street, and I can honestly say without any shadow of a doubt that make-up revolution is my favourite brand out there. Granted I'm not a fan of their liquid products; lipsticks, foundation, nail varnish, for those I have my favourites else where. But they're palettes are PERFECTION!
From the blush palettes, to the eyeshadows, from the contour to the highlight, I reach for these over any other product I've tried. The products are between £4 and £8 which is nothing in comparison to what I've spent on some of my palettes. They also always come with a perfectly massive mirror which just makes them feel so much higher end.
If you're interested in any individual reviews let me know in the comments, but If you're still sceptical just go pick up one palette, you won't be disappointed. I have 12 so, yeah.
If you're interested in any individual reviews let me know in the comments, but If you're still sceptical just go pick up one palette, you won't be disappointed. I have 12 so, yeah.